
We are willing and able to tackle the most complex of cases on your behalf

To obtain an immigration benefit, the applicant must demonstrate that he/she is “admissible” to the United States. There are several grounds of inadmissibility and unfortunately, not everyone qualifies to obtain a waiver or a “pardon” to overcome their inadmissibility.

This is often the most critical and complicated part of an immigration case. Without the proper waiver, a person may not ever be able to achieve lawful permanent status. Don’t jeopardize your possibility of obtaining lawful permanent residence status. Contact us for experienced legal representation with proven results.

Attorney Emma has successfully filed hundreds of waivers on behalf of her clients. These include waivers for having entered without inspection (undocumented), waivers for certain crimes, waivers for smuggling a family member, and waivers for a prior deportation order, among others.

During your consultation, we will carefully analyze the relevant factors in your case to determine if you are subject to any grounds of inadmissibility and whether you are eligible for a waiver to overcome your ineligibility for lawful permanent resident status.  If you are eligible, we will then discuss a strategy to overcome the ground of inadmissibility.

We are here to answer your questions and assist you in understanding the immigration benefits to which you are entitled. We can help strategize your best course of action in achieving your immigration goals while helping you find ways to ensure your family remains together.

Contact Us for a Consultation at (713) 955-2276 for personalized attention for your immigration case.